
Opening salvo

Balancing Act

Issue 109Opening Salvo

This issue’s cover: Judy Garland (1922 – 1969). One of the most iconic actresses, recording artists and performers of all time. Though haunted by personal struggles, she attained greatness that...

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Issue 108

Issue 108Opening Salvo

This issue's cover: of course, the Beatles in their iconic 1967 Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band garb. An album that defined a generation. I’m sitting here staring at the computer screen...

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Issue 107

Issue 107Opening Salvo

Cover: violinist Jascha Heifetz (1901 - 1987). Many consider him to be the greatest violinist ever. He was one of the most influential performing artists of all time and in his later...

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Issue 106

Issue 106Opening Salvo

This issue's cover: conductor Leopold Stokowski (1882 - 1977). One of the greatest conductors of all time, Stokowski helmed the Philadelphia Orchestra, the NBC Symphony Orchestra and other top musical...

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Issue 105

Issue 105Opening Salvo

(With a tip of the hat to the Hank Stone Band’s song of the same name.) The world of audio is diverse – we can choose from analog, digital, tubes, transistors,...

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Issue 104

Issue 104Opening Salvo

Copper has been moving to increase its audio-related articles. We intend to bring you more about audio tech, interviews and company profiles, show reports and other audio subjects. That said, our...

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Issue 103

Issue 103Opening Salvo

I’ve been thinking about this lately and seeing Paul McGowan’s recent related post on the subject made it hit home: no two audio systems are alike. Think about all the source components,...

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“I Got a Fever…”

Issue 102Opening Salvo

It's 102 – I got a fever and the only cure is more music! Announcing a new contributor: Wayne Robins. Wayne is a veteran music critic and journalist, former editor...

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Happy Musical New Year!

Issue 101Opening Salvo

Numbers have been on my mind lately: 97, 98, 99, 100 and now Issue 101. Yet I’d been completely nearsighted about the fact that 2020, just around the corner, is...

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Issue 100

Issue 100Opening Salvo

This holiday season marks a major milestone for the magazine – the 100th issue of Copper! I’m thrilled to be a part of it (and have been reading it since Issue 1)...

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Music Appreciation

Issue 99Opening Salvo

We’re in the midst of the holiday season, a time of year that puts many of us in a contemplative mood. And although I don’t know anyone who leads a...

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Better Living Through Music!

Issue 98Opening Salvo

First of all, I want to give a huge thank you to our writers, Paul McGowan, Bill Leebens and a special acknowledgment to the wonderful Maggie McFalls for helping me...

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The Editors, They are a changin’

Issue 97Opening Salvo

I’m thrilled and honored to be named the new editor of Copper. Many of you may know me from my decades in the audio industry as a writer, editor, PR person...

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96 Tears

Issue 96Opening Salvo

Welcome to Copper #96! One thousand, three hundred and twenty-three days ago, the first issue of Copper came out. What you're now reading is, as stated, the ninety-sixth issue. That means that a new...

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10-4, Good Neighbor

Issue 95Opening Salvo

Welcome to Copper #95! This is being written on October 4th---or 10/4, in US notation. That made me recall one of my former lives, many years and many pounds ago: I was...

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In the Air Tonight

Issue 94Opening Salvo

Welcome to Copper #94! As this issue goes live, I'll have just returned from a quick trip to NY and back----so sorry, no analysis of the Phil Collins song. I'll leave that...

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It's Showtime!

Issue 43Opening Salvo

Welcome to Copper #93! By the time you read this, the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest will have come and gone. We'll have a feature on the show in our next issue. Leading off, Larry Schenbeck schools...

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See You in September

Issue 92Opening Salvo

Welcome to Copper #92! With the last gasp of summer comes the start of school years, Labor Day outings and gatherings...and with any luck you won't be haunted by the...

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Happy Landings!

Issue 90Opening Salvo

Welcome to Copper #90! By the time you read these, the 50th anniversary of the moon landing will have come and gone, and my landing in Oakland for the California Audio Show will also...

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All Fingers on Deck

Issue 89Opening Salvo

Welcome to Copper #89! I hope you emerged from the 4th (Independence Day, for our friends around the world) with all digits intact. By now, you've undoubtedly noticed some changes in the...

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Issue 88

Issue 88Opening Salvo

Welcome to Copper #88! The day this magazine goes live, July 1st, marks the halfway point in 2019. Having had a birthday recently, it certainly does seem that the months and years...

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Issue 86

Issue 86Opening Salvo

Welcome to Copper #86! A week or so ago, here in Boulder we said, "it's May, so winter's over---right?" Then we had snow. I won't second-guess any more, but I am hopeful....

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Another Day, Another Plane

Issue 85Opening Salvo

Welcome to Copper #85! It seems like only yesterday when I got back from Axpona---and now I've gone to and returned from the Munich show. Any glitches in this issue should be...

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Issue 84

Issue 84Opening Salvo

Welcome to Copper #84! Being the picayune sort, it annoys me when people celebrate the birthday of one long dead, and say, "this is Mozart's 263rd birthday." That may even be proper...

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Every Day is Earth Day?

Issue 83Opening Salvo

Welcome to Copper #83! I rarely react to PR pronouncements with more than an eye-roll, but when a utility company known for its string of coal-fired generating plants sent out a...

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Issue 82

Issue 82Opening Salvo

Welcome to Copper #82! I've never been good with ambivalence. The song quoted in the title above: does it mean that it's not spring, but just kinda sorta looks like it?...

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Issue 81

Issue 81Opening Salvo

Welcome to Copper #81! This is being written on the first day of Spring. Here in Colorado we view such markers with skepticism, especially when last week saw the massive "bomb cyclone"...

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Issue 80

Issue 80Opening Salvo

Welcome to Copper #80, our Third Anniversary issue! Some investigations require more effort than others. We know that, say, the 25th anniversary is silver, but Googling, "what is the 3rd anniversary?", we find that...

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From -6 to 86 and Back Again

Issue 79Opening Salvo

Welcome to Copper #79! This issue features my walkaround of the first-ever Florida Audio Expo . The turn-out was impressive, and both attendees and exhibitors were happy. I left Denver airport at -6 and frozen fuel...

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Issue 77

Issue 77Opening Salvo

Welcome to Copper #77! I hope you had a better view of the much-hyped lunar-eclipse than I did---the combination of clouds and sleep made it a non-event for me. Full moon or...

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Without CES, Does January Exist?

Issue 76Opening Salvo

Welcome to Copper #76! ---here we are, halfway through January already, and I guess I'll find out if January actually exists without the mania of CES. I've attended since 1989, I'm done....

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Happy Holidays!

Issue 48Opening Salvo

Welcome to Copper #74, the second of three December issues, and one of our biggest issues ever. We hope that those who celebrate it had a pleasant Hanukkah, and wish a very...

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Who Knows Where the Time Goes?

Issue 73Opening Salvo

Welcome to Copper #73! While the saying, "days drag, years fly by" is annoying---it does seem to be true. Welcome to December: notable for three issues of Copper! ...and, oh, some holidays. For...

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It’s Summer Somewhere

Issue 72Opening Salvo

Welcome to Copper #72! It's a cliche' that travel expands the mind, but there is truth in it. Having just been in  South America where Daylight Savings Time was just beginning and...

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Issue 71Opening Salvo

Welcome to Copper #71! The leaves have mostly passed peak color here in the Front Range of the Rockies, meaning the dogs are running through the carpet of fallen leaves and are...

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Snow Comes; Snow Goes

Issue 70Opening Salvo

Welcome to Copper #70! The Rocky Mountain Audio Fest took place October 5-7, and as is often the case, we had our first snow shortly thereafter. Just a few days later, temps are back...

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Issue 69Opening Salvoweb-2517

Welcome to Copper #69! The aspens are starting to turn yellow here in Colorado, and  Rocky Mountain Audio Fest takes place October 5-7. Depending upon the machinations of publishing, it will either be forthcoming,...

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Falling Into Showtime

Issue 68Opening Salvo

Welcome to Copper #68! By the time you read this, the first day of Fall will have passed---and we're approaching Rocky Mountain Audio Fest, closely followed by (yikes!) the Toronto Audio Fest,...

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Every New Beginning

Issue 67Opening Salvo

Welcome to Copper #67! It may be my Irish heritage and genetic memories of last call, but the melancholy song "Closing Time" has always resonated with me. For those who have somehow avoided this...

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Moving On

Issue 66Opening Salvo

Welcome to Copper #66! Summer ends, fall begins, change abounds. We at PS Audio are boxing up and beginning the move to our much larger new building---which, fortunately, is right across the...

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Issue 66

Opening Salvo
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August Heat

Issue 65Opening Salvo

Welcome to Copper #91! Having left the relatively-balmy temps of the Bay area and returned to the high-altitude frying pan of Colorado, I was reminded of the classic story and radio play,...

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On the Road Again

Issue 64Opening Salvo

Welcome to Copper #87! Family business had me on a plane yet again, this time to Las Vegas---and believe me, it takes family to get me to Vegas in June. Daytime temps...

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Issue 63

Issue 63Opening Salvo

Welcome to Copper #63! This issue's menu offers summer reading ranging from light amuse-bouche to meaty main courses. I hope you'll enjoy it. Everything is relative: the high-nineties temperatures of the Colorado summer...

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Issue 62

Issue 62Opening Salvo

Welcome to Copper #62! My daughter Emily believes that men in general are whiners when they're sick---and I'm not exempt from her judgment. What was a sniffle and cough has turned into...

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