
Opening salvo

Numerologist’s Delight

Issue 61Opening Salvo

Welcome to Copper #61! Someone, somewhere will undoubtedly be able to extract immense meaning from the numerological confection that is the date of this issue: 6/18/18. That person is not me. I...

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Summer, Already?

Issue 60Opening Salvo

Welcome to Copper #60! Ye Olde Editor may still be all askew from jet-lag, but life goes on, and half the country is enveloped in a heat wave. I hope you can stay...

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Munich and Everything After

Issue 59Opening Salvo

Welcome to Copper #59! Blame any errors in this issue on jet lag, following the Munich show. We've got a brief photo feature on the show here, and we have a video chock...

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Issue 58

Issue 58Opening Salvo

Welcome to Copper #58! Every May I wonder how the phrase "May Day" became a distress call. Now I know---and it's a disappointingly mundane explanation. Sometimes everyday life is so...everyday. Our friend Rudy Radelic brings...

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The Winter of Our Disc Content

Issue 57Opening Salvo

Welcome to Copper #57! One last gasp of winter's wrath in Chicago, combined with Anne E. Johnson's mention of misheard lyrics elsewhere in this issue, led me to the title above. I hope that...

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Issue 56

Issue 56Opening Salvo

Welcome to Copper #56! With the recent Montréal Audio Fest, the western hemisphere's spring show season is officially underway. Our resident Montréalais Richard Murison took a look around the show, and his report is here. Soon...

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Happy Passover/Easter/April Fools' Day!

Issue 55Opening Salvo

Welcome to Copper #55! It's a little odd when holidays come in clumps of threes---but then, I'm not sure if April 1st could properly be considered a holiday. Whatever. Be safe, and...

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Happy St. Pat's!

Issue 54Opening Salvo

Welcome to Copper #54! Beannachtai Na Feile Padraig Oraibh! ---which is allegedly, "St. Patrick's Day Blessing Upon You!" in Gaelic. My middle name's Moore, and I am of Irish heritage, but I can't...

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Happy Anniversary to Us!

Issue 53Opening Salvo

Welcome to Copper #53! Our very first issue appeared on March 7, 2016. It's hard to believe that we've been at this for two years now; we've come a long way since...

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Issue 52

Issue 52Opening Salvo

...and yet, I have to work on Lincoln's Birthday, Valentine's Day AND Ash Wednesday. Life ain't fair. Anyway... Welcome to Copper #52! John Seetoo is back with another interesting interview---this one with Andrea...

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Issue 51

Issue 51Opening Salvo

Welcome to Copper #51! We've passed New Year's, we've passed CES, and the whole world seems to be recovering from the flu. We hope you're either well, or on the mend. Our...

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We're Golden!

Issue 50Opening Salvo

Welcome to Copper #50! It's hard to believe we've reached our 50th issue---and thanks to all of you for supporting us, and helping us to reach this milestone. Even more unbelievable is...

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Happy New Year!

Issue 49Opening Salvo

Welcome to Copper #75, and welcome to 2019! It truly is difficult to believe that the year is gone, but here we are. Let's get to it! From our usual gang of...

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Issue 46

Issue 46Opening Salvo

Welcome to Copper #46! For music lovers, it is the best of times and the worst of times. I'd wager that we have greater access to a larger library of recorded music...

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Fall Has Fallen....

Issue 45Opening Salvo

...and it can't get up! Welcome to Copper #45! The year ticks away, and we are presented/threatened with the horrors of endless repetitions of Burl Ives' "Holly Jolly Christmas"...Well, be of good...

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Trick or Treat!

Issue 44Opening Salvo

Welcome to Copper #44! I hope you were able to attend the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest. It was a big, bold show, and spirits were upbeat. I wandered around a bit, and was only able...

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Woodsmoke and Oranges

Issue 42Opening Salvo

Welcome to Copper #42! An all-too-brief vacation in the smoky Pacific Northwest brought to mind that classic album by Paul Siebel (which still holds up pretty well, unlike many albums...

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Issue 41

Issue 41Opening Salvo

Welcome to Copper #41! The title isn't to announce a James Taylor retrospective---sorry to crush your hopes--- but is just what I see in today's weather reports. The Pacific Northwest, where I'm...

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After the Eclipse

Issue 40Opening Salvo

Welcome to Copper #40! The old expression "a miss is as good as a mile" seems to apply to the recent eclipse: those of us in the 90% range of totality were...

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Summer's End

Issue 39Opening Salvo

Welcome to Copper #39! For many of us, it's almost time for the kids to head back to school. For those of us who've passed those years, it's almost time to curse...

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Issue 38

Issue 38Opening Salvo

Welcome to Copper #38! Just as there are continual changes in the audio business, we've got some changes here at Copper. I'm excited to introduce yet another new writer: Gautam Raja is an essayist and...

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...But It's a DRY Heat....

Issue 37Opening Salvo

Welcome to Copper #37! As temperatures topped triple digits in much of the US, I flashed back to the days when I kept physical media in my car. In the cassette era,...

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Across the Chronographic Divide

Issue 36Opening Salvo

Welcome to Copper #36! I recently crossed the Continental Divide, twice...going west, then coming back home, going east. And now we've passed the Chronographic  Divide of this year. The difference is that there's no...

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Issue 35Opening Salvo

Welcome to Copper #35! Lately, I've been blathering a lot about aging, even right here in this space last issue. I'm afraid that Dan Schwartz's piece in this issue about Harry Pearson has further fueled that...

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Wiser? Or Just Older?

Issue 34Opening Salvo

Welcome to the 34th issue of Copper! As I approach yet another birthday, I'm struck by the changes that come with age. Some have come with maturity (I think); others...

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On the Road Again….

Issue 33Opening Salvo

As you read this, I'll have just returned from the  Munich  High End show, the largest audio show in the world. Or at least the Western world, if we must split hairs. To my...

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It’s a Big, Big World

Issue 32Opening Salvo

Welcome to Copper #32!  If you're a reader of fine print (and who amongst our readers is not?), you've probably noticed that the legend on our cover has morphed from "Journal of Music...

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Issue 31

Issue 31Opening Salvo

By the time you read this, Axpona will be over. With the blessings of the pixel pixies, we'll have a feature next issue. We seem to be well and truly into Spring,...

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Issue 29

Issue 29Opening Salvo

The bizarre year proceeds apace as here in Boulder, we've had an uncommonly dry winter---as shown by the wildfires west of town, just before the last day of winter. The area would...

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Issue 27

Issue 27Opening Salvo

It honestly, really, truly  came as a shock to me when I realized that Copper's first anniversary was just ahead. Copper #1 went live on March 3rd, 2016---so this will have to serve...

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Issue 28

Issue 28Opening Salvo

The first year of Copper saw the mag start from scratch and grow to 9,000 subscribers through steady, consistent growth. While it's not  the circulation of People magazine, you won't find any Kardashians here...

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Issue 26

Issue 26Opening Salvo

I would never overtly diss a legendary Groundhog, but six more weeks of winter? It's going to be 68 deg F here in Boulder today---and 70 tomorrow!I think the weather...

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Issue 47

Issue 47Opening Salvo

Welcome to Copper #47! I'm alarmed at how rapidly 2017 is disappearing, and I'll bet I'm not alone in that. The days are long, the years are short, yadda yadda.... As mentioned...

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The More the Merrier

Issue 25Opening Salvo

Neither rain nor snow nor CES crud nor car crashes stays these Copper couriers from the swift completion of their deadlines.... Let's just say 2017 started with a bang. Literally. NONETHELESS!---here we are. Copper #25...

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A New Year’s Resolution

Issue 24Opening Salvo

Happy New Year to all, and hope my colleagues are recovering post-CES. I have no desire to go off on a tangent here, so I'll keep it brief: We try...

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Issue 23

Issue 23Opening Salvo

Happy New Year, and welcome to Copper #23, and 2017! As I look back at 2016...well, Popeye put it best: httpv://   Really, what more is there to say? Right up to...

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Where Did the Year Go?

Issue 21Opening Salvo

Welcome to Copper # 21! It's hard to believe that 2016 is almost over, and that we've been putting Copper together for nine months now. I'm not a Supremes fan by any stretch of...

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…and the Hits Just Keep On Comin’…

Issue 20Opening Salvo

Welcome to Copper #20! I think this is a particularly interesting issue, and I'm happy to tell you that we have some surprises and new contributors lined up in the next few issues. The title above...

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Too Mean To Die

Issue 19Opening Salvo

Welcome  to Copper #19! Believe me, no one is more amazed that we're still doing this every two weeks than I am. After all, I was the recipient of the "Shortest Attention Span"...

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Welcome Back, My Friends...

Issue 18Opening Salvo

Anyone who has been around rock music at all knows that the phrase concludes, " the show that never ends." In real life, shows end, and their aftermath prompts both...

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Issue 17

Issue 17Opening Salvo

As we approach the annual Rocky Mountain Audio Fest, our home-town show (sorta), we have a lot yet to accomplish. In this issue I take a not-so-cynical look at the show...

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Issue 16

Issue 16Opening Salvo

Welcome to Copper #16! We’re excited by our recent additions. Many of you read Darren Myers’ first installment of Make It Yourself, on building an interconnect. Darren’s back with the first steps in reviving vintage components....

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Issue 15

Issue 15Opening Salvo

Welcome to Copper # 15! Our contest in issue #13 produced dozens of interesting submissions in response to the question, “What’s really new in audio?” Those entries are featured in Incoming Letters, along...

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Welcome to the lucky thirteenth edition of Copper!

Issue 13Opening Salvo

As is probably clear by now, we’ve decided to shake things up a bit. Our new format is designed to be more readable and more manageable. It will also allow...

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Issue 14

Issue 14Opening Salvo

As we draw nearer to the time of the World Series, we have several series featured in Copper #14---two concluding, two beginning. Paul McGowan begins a new column, Back to Basics, in this issue....

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Opening Salvo

Issue 11Opening Salvo

Welcome to Copper #11! Wherever you are, we hope it’s not as hot and dry as it is here in literally-on-fire Colorado. Here in mid-July, most folks are approaching some...

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