When it gets personal

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When it gets personal

News is little more than noise until it becomes personal. A big snowstorm in another state isn't all that interesting, but a few feet out your front door gives you little choice but to grab a shovel.

"I used to wonder why audiophiles would spend a lot of money for small improvements until I modified my DAC and realized that once you hear a song with a certain resolution then you'll never enjoy it any other way."

That quote, from one of our YouTube family members, really hit the point home. Of course, it doesn't alway work in our favor. When a new donut franchise called Voodoo Donuts opened in Boulder, there were lines around the building every morning for weeks. Not being a donut fan but knowing our crew at PS Audio loves them, I finally ventured inside to pick up a dozen. By far, the most expensive and worst tasting donuts of my entire 76 years on this planet.

What gives?

As my friend, Seth Godin is fond of saying, it's not for you.

Indeed, not every hardware change, setup configuration, or tweak works in every system. What makes it all interesting is finding out what works for you and in your system.

It's personal.

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Paul McGowan

Founder & CEO

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