The pace of technology


The pace of technology

Progress happens in stages, some so small they are imperceptible, while others feel like leaps. Viewed over time, it is easy to see this familiar pattern of many small blips punctuated by the occasional breakthroughs.

I remember my father's excitement when his new car came with the ability to auto-dim the headlights. That was some pretty exotic technology that could "see" another vehicle's approach and make a "decision". Today, my car can drive itself. I tell it via voice command the address I wish to go to, press a button, and off we go. Between the days when we were amazed by auto-dimming and electric windows to cars that can drive themselves, the pattern of technological blips and breakthroughs is the same; they just happen at an ever faster pace.

Think of DACs. It wasn't that long ago that we introduced one of the first standalone D-to-A-Converters ever made—exotic digital technology in a standalone chassis that would eventually revolutionize how we access and play music in our homes. Today, DACs are built into everything we touch, from phones to cars.

What's next? That's a great question and one that's no easier to answer today than it was 50 years ago. The future is filled with the possibilities of exciting new tech that will wow and zow us.

I can't wait.

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Paul McGowan

Founder & CEO

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