A far cry from "normal"

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A far cry from "normal"

"I have had quite a number of younger people sit down in front of my high end system and literally weep. I think everyone just settles for Bose, Apple, Sonos, et al. because they just don't know what is possible."

Our passion for audio and the high-end is a well kept secret. It's true. I have gotten so used to the surprise and delight on newcomers' faces when they listen for the first time to what's in our Listening Lab that it has become the way it is.

What many of us take for granted is, in fact, extremely rare and special. How many years did you spend accumulating the knowledge and the kit needed to build such a glorious temple of sound?

For me, it's been the majority of my life.

Instead of taking for granted the stunning level of performance that many of us have achieved, perhaps it behooves us to take a quick moment to pat ourselves on the back for a job well done.

Nice to know you've come this far.

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Paul McGowan

Founder & CEO

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