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It's kind of fun to watch the cutting edge parade go by. 

Recently, dCS announced a new 5-chassis DAC for sale at around a quarter of a million dollars. Our forums have been rife with chatter about this uber expensive product.

At first, I am scratching my head. 5 chassis stack for the DAC? Where would I put it? Would everything else stand up to the challenge?

Is it nuts?

On an entirely different note, while driving into work the other day I found myself sitting next to Tesla's new Cyber Truck.

Good Lord! 

My first thought is that it is so weird I would be uncomfortable to even be a passenger inside it's stainless steel hulk.

It's half the price of the dCS DAC.

As the cutting edge parade creeps by my window I often wonder if it's just me getting old or has this odd circus spectacle been around forever?

For those who are able and eager to play in this arena I tip my hat, realizing that at some level everything is cutting edge to someone else.

Even a PS Audio Sprout is lunacy to a pair of earbuds.

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Paul McGowan

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