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My mother's plan to get me to cooperate was simple.

"You cannot go out to play until you clean your room."

Of course, my devious little brain would devise quick solutions to the problem like assigning one of my drawers to hold all the clutter that needed proper sorting. And if the room was really a mess then there's the under-the-bed space that can accommodate tons of trash and toys. Never did it occur to me to actually clean my room as my mother would have wanted.

But, that's me.

You, of course, would never consider cheating on a good housekeeping, which is something I recommend for our stereo systems before and after the approaching colder months.

Tidy up the cables, plug and unplug all the equipment, change vacuum tubes if they are tired, make sure everything is tick and tied. 

I am always amazed at how much this helps.


Perhaps, but that's ok because whatever works to make things better is worth the effort.

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Paul McGowan

Founder & CEO

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