Rubber and roads


Rubber and roads

There are so many considerations to component matching that at times it makes one's head spin.

Speakers to room size. Preamp to amp. Cables to match. 

How is one to decide what to do? 

In the good old days we turned to the experts for help. Our dealers, our reviewers, our fellow audiophiles. I think we still do this today, although it's a bit different as we now rely upon forums, blog posts, and if we're lucky enough to have an experienced 2-channel dealer nearby, a chance to go sit in their demo room and have a listen to what we hope to enjoy at home.

Hard to imagine anyone—dealer or otherwise—that has the exact same setup as do you and I. And certainly, no one on this planet has your exact room, ears, or tastes.

At the end of the proverbial day, we're going to need to rely upon our own judgement as to what to mix and match to get where we want to go.

For me, half the fun is the process itself. Dreaming of what might work within the confines of my room and then figuring a way to get it to play with.

I am always surprised and often delighted at the results of the combos of equipment.

Nothing beats your living room or audio den for the ultimate test.

As the car guys are fond of saying, "that's where the rubber meets the road".

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Paul McGowan

Founder & CEO

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