Trade offs


Trade offs

Nothing's perfect.

There are always trade offs.

Sometimes, the trade offs are worth the price of entry.

For example, making the decision to add streaming to your library when formerly you only stuck with CDs. The trade off? On the one hand your CDs will sound a bit better but, in exchange, you've gained access to millions of tracks of new music you would never in a thousand lifetimes have acquired through physical media.

And then there are the particulars of each venture. In order to stream and not be disappointed, we're going to want to invest in an excellent sounding streamer, like our AirLens

On the other hand, if you really want the most out of your CDs you're going to need an excellent CD transport, like our PerfectWave.

I guess the point I am trying to make is a rather simple one. In order to move forward in life we have to accept the good with the hard. We have to be alright with weighing the plus's and minus's to tip the scales in our best direction.

And that's ok. If we don't fight or pine for something we'll not appreciate its value to our lives.

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Paul McGowan

Founder & CEO

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