As I said, this has happened to me with animal reactions more times than I can count. We might argue like crazy, but the dogs get it."I wanted to share an interesting audio experience that happened the other day. We were visiting a friend of my wife’s in San Antonio. She was showing us around their new house when we walked into “his” room which held Wilson Alexandria speakers, D'agostino amps, Berkeley DAC’s etc. You get the idea. When he came home he invited us into his inner sanctum and we began to play. At one point we were A/B'ing between his vinyl collection and streaming on tidal/qobuz with Sonny Rollin’s Way Out West. On one cut it is just the drummer and Sonny. When Sonny started blowing on the vinyl version, their dog began singing along—howling like crazy. As soon as we switched to the streaming version, the dog was silent, uninterested. My wife pointed it out to us since we were too engrossed in “listening” to notice the obvious! It happened every time we switched back and forth between vinyl and streaming. Have you experienced that before?"
The dog gets it
by Paul McGowan
When HiFi Family member Ed Spilka sent me the following note I just had to smile. How many times have I heard a similar story? Too many times to count.
And here's the thing. It's not just about vinyl. I have heard the same stories about DSD, vacuum tubes, and even good vs. bad cables.
I am sure the measurementists will have a field day with this one.
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