The cost of lunch

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The cost of lunch
*Chapter 11 of my upcoming novel, Resurrection, is posted here. The old saw, there's no free lunch, has been both a curse and a blessing to me. A curse because I'd rather have 100% benefits without dealing with consequences. A blessing because knowing the flipside helps decide how much cake I can have and eat. Take for example subwoofers. If you place a subwoofer in the room's corner you'll enjoy greater output because the corner acts as an acoustic amplifier. That's the good news. The bad news is that's exactly the position that will activate every unwanted room node possible. More gain, more problems. On the flip side, placing a subwoofer in the center of the wall has the least amount of unwanted room interactions. That's the good news. The bad news is you'll lose output and perhaps struggle with getting solid bass at your listening position. Everywhere else is a compromise for best performance at your listening position. Like the game Whack a Mole, there's pretty much nothing you can do in your system's setup that doesn't have a consequence elsewhere. The same is true for most things in life where we have to consider the choices and weigh the consequences. That said, we shouldn't let the cost of lunch stop us from sitting at the counter. We shouldn't forego the good because we're anxious of the bad. What's important is understanding the potential consequences of our actions, then making the right choices.
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Paul McGowan

Founder & CEO

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