Rabbits and hats

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Rabbits and hats

We're always amazed and delighted when the magician pulls the rabbit out of the hat or opens a sealed envelope with the right answer inside. It's magic!

In the same vein we're stoked when a designer unveils a new amplifier technology; when a speaker designer flaunts the laws of physics; when a fuse manufacturer turns the sound quality of our gear upside down.

We love the unexpected, the leap of performance, the jaw dropping improvement.

And why not? I suspect for a lot of us this is what it's all about.

I know from my own perspective I live for the next thrill, the chance to work magic, the opportunity to create something extraordinary, unprecedented.

Rabbits and hats. What's more exciting in our community than the chance to experience some magic.

Musical magic.

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Paul McGowan

Founder & CEO

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