Audiophiles and werewolves


Audiophiles and werewolves

One of my YouTube audience members commented that audiophiles are like werewolves: once bitten they never go back.

That's surely what happened to me so many years ago. My first immersive foray into the world of high end audio was in front of a tri-amped Audio Research system with a pair of the first Cerwin Vega subwoofers—an experience that lives with me still to this day.

To be fair, the first bite into my flesh was a rather simple system of Klipsch corner horns, but that only brought me into the howling pack as a maybe.

But no, that single experience in front of that massive collection of Jantzen electrostats, blue flame tweeters, Rabco linear tracking arm and Decca cartridge surely happened under the light of the full moon and I was forever hooked.

What happened on your first encounter with an audiophile werewolf?

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Paul McGowan

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