For those fellow backyard gardeners that remember the beginning of the growing season where I stressed about bears, squirrels, pestilence, and poachers, I have good news.
Our harvest has been over the top good.

While last year Mr. Bear took for himself our peaches and broke our trees in the process, this year I solved the problem by installing an electric fence around our tiny little 4-tree orchard. That fence, plus a bumper crop year of wild apples available to all the wildlife that wants them have kept the bears out of our prized peaches.
In fact, we had so many peaches our grandson, Henry set up a sidewalk stand selling 2 peaches for $1. He made himself $40.
And tomatoes? OMG. This has been the finest year for McGowan Organics.
Just look at this beast of a tomato that will within a few minutes be consumed as a single meal for me and Terri: tomato, basil, mozzarella, balsamic, olive oil.
I think we died and went to heaven.