Multi Gauge Cables

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Multi Gauge Cables

If you had a chance to read my post of several days ago titled The Bypass Cap you might have been thinking it was about headwear. Or, you might have gotten my analogy of using a super tweeter to augment a standard tweeter.

Here’s another for you.

If you were to take a thin, 22 gauge wire and use it to connect your loudspeakers to your power amp, I am quite certain it would sound dramatically different from whatever you are now using. What you would likely hear is a reduction of bass and a focus on higher frequencies. Thin sounding.

You might also notice that the highs you do hear are perhaps more extended sounding than your typical speaker cable setup.

This experiment is the basis of one way to design a cable, using multiple wire gauges in parallel: a slim wire gauge for the treble, a thicker and with more surface area conductor for the midrange, and a brute for the bass.

This technique is somewhat like designing a 3-way loudspeaker. Big woofer for the bass, a smaller driver for the midrange, and a tiny tweeter for the top end.

When PS Audio was making cables this is the technique we used to craft some really good sounding ones.

There are any number of ways to maximize the sound of cables.

This multi-gauge method is but one.

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Paul McGowan

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