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I sometimes get the craziest comments. Following the recent upgrades to DirectStream a flood of people smelling a conspiratorial cover-up have emerged.

Weird, right?

The general line goes something like this: "If you know how to improve the DAC's performance why didn't you just release it like that in the beginning? You're purposefully holding back on the product so you can charge us more money."

Of course, this is absurd. Since DirectStream's introduction in 2014, there has been a tremendous amount of progress and learning going on. We've shared these improvements with the thousands of DirectStream owners for free.

But, that's not the point of this post. I don't feel the need to defend what we've done or where we're going.

No, this post wants to riff on conspiracy theories. How the little voices in our heads can sometimes take a sharp turn towards evil plots to explain what we cannot.

I think we all can be guilty of crafting conspiracies to explain the world around us—at least at one time or another. Did you ever think your grade school teacher must have been an alien creature with eyes in the back of her head? How else to explain how she knew you were the one talking? Or how did mom know it was you that ate the cookies? Did you believe she was a mind reader?

It is natural for us to want to build explanations of how the world works. That's how we make sense of the complexities around us.

But when your explanation starts to suspect conspiracies either on your own or buying into the imaginations of others, I would caution restraint and encourage questioning.

Conspiracies might make for good novels but they are extremely rare in real life.

The truth is, most of us are working without a master plan. We move through daily life dealing with what's presented to us as it comes our way.

Doesn't that describe you pretty well?

Don't for a moment think you're unusual in that regard.

I'll bet we're all pretty much the same.

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Paul McGowan

Founder & CEO

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