A badge of honor

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A badge of honor

I was recently referred to as a lunatic. 

The incident happened when I was attempting to explain the difference in recording techniques between Octave Records' new studio and the big studios like Abbey Road. The conversation was quite normal until I pointed out that when big commercial studios record, the better ones sample the music at around 100,000 times a second (you and I might say 96kHz), and when Octave Records captures audio, it is at 11 million times a second.

When a musician or outsider to high-end audio hears the magnitude of difference between a well respected commercial studio—considered by most as state-of-the-art—and Octave Records, it often brings up more than just an eyebrow raise.

Being labeled as a lunatic is a badge of honor no different than what you might experience when you share the investment in your 2-channel  setup compared to someone else's Sonos loudspeaker.

The gap is huge and getting bigger.

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Paul McGowan

Founder & CEO

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