I suppose that since we've come this far in our discussions on bi-amping we owe it to the knowledge base to write of another form of synergy tweaks, bi-wiring; the use of one amplifier and two speaker cables.
Like bi-amping, we need to separate the loudspeaker's inputs: tweeter and woofer. As mentioned earlier, these two inputs, if available separately, are strapped together for feeding with one power amplifier. Like this picture shows.

Remove the straps and what used to act as one, now form two separate inputs.
If we take the same approach to wiring, as we did with amplifiers, we use separate runs of speaker cable for each input: one to the tweeter, the other to the woofer, both terminating at the amplifier's single output.
Here's a picture that shows the difference between bi-amping and bi-wiring.

Bi-amping has two power amps, two speaker cables, two connections between preamp and power amp.
Bi-wiring has one power amp, two speaker cables, one connection between preamp and power amp.
So, why would you consider spending twice the money on speaker cables in order to bi-wire? Improved synergy.
Cables sound different. Some speaker cables work great at lower frequencies, others excel at higher ones. Few work great at them all. By choosing cables that are optimized for best performance within a specific frequency range, you can improve the musicality of your system.