Closing the gap


Closing the gap

For years, CDs and SACDs have been the gold standard for digital playback. Spin a well-mastered disc on a top-tier player like the PS Audio PerfectWave SACD Transport, and the sound is breathtaking—depth, detail, and a natural ease that streaming just couldn’t quite match.

Not long ago, no one would have seriously argued otherwise.

Now, with devices like the PS Audio AirLens, the differences have become smaller and smaller to where, unless it's a direct A/B, it's almost hard to tell. 

What’s most remarkable is the pace of progress. Five years ago, the idea that streaming could truly rival a reference CD player seemed laughable. Now? I find myself convinced that, given enough time, the gap will vanish entirely. If streaming keeps evolving at this rate, will there come a day when even the best disc players become relics of the past?

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Paul McGowan

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