We've come a long way, baby

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We've come a long way, baby
My friend, Cello owner Jim McCullough, sent me a link to one of the best short videos of recorded music I have ever watched. This is worth your time. Click here and spend the 4 and a half minutes it takes to watch tenor Lauritz Melchior record his voice from this classic 1946 film Two Sisters From Boston. You can see by the picture the film depicts how recordings were once made. Sure, it's a bit Hollywood, but still, this is nothing short of remarkable. In order to adjust recording levels on various instruments and voices, it was necessary to move further from and closer to the horn powering the recording head. Their version of Nipper at the end is a classic touch. This was the beginnings of what we all take for granted today. When I think about what these early pioneers went through to capture music onto a disc, it makes me wince every time I grouse about small nuances of microphone techniques and the lack of recording perfection. We've come a long way, baby.
* Thanks to Scott at Audio Consultants for his fine piece of detective work figuring out the name of this film.
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Paul McGowan

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