I love new toys, tech, and gadgets. I go out of my way to find the best of the best whether it's stereo kit, recording equipment, computers, or automobiles. Yet, I don't lust after a $100K DAC or a Rolls Royce. They might be at the pinnacle of their field but for me, they lack value.
Finding the greatest value in a new something is far more enticing than simply aspiring to an excess.
Value is personal. If you're delighted with a $500 soundbar stereo system, you'd likely think a pair of BHK 600 monoblock amplifiers to be excessive, while I find them indispensable.
My personal value meter hits on high when excitement, pleasure, discovery, and wonder are amplified. A tasty bite of exceptional street food has far more value to me than a run-of-the-mill gourmet morsel served on a golden fork. One excites the taste buds while the other shrugs my shoulders.
So for me, when I hear one of our products sonically competing or beating one of its super expensive competitors, my value meter peaks.
The dictionary defines value as the measure of worth, importance, or usefulness attributed to something based on its ability to meet needs, fulfill desires, or align with principles.
I believe we are all searching for the highest value products and relationships. The ones that make us feel great.