Unspoken language

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Unspoken language
There are plenty of things understood that don't require words. If I list something for sale on Craig's list for $125 it's understood I am really asking $100. We don't need words to set our expectations for a high-performance audio system because we're already in the know. We've been here before; done that before; know what to expect. But what of the newbie: the person who heard a rumor there's something better in sound quality just around the corner? How much of the unspoken language are they required to navigate to get to the story? We've been looking at redoing our website. It's been close to a decade without change and time for a refresh. When we asked our designer for an opinion on what the current website meant to them we were surprised at the answer. "When I go to your home page I am presented with pictures of boxes that I know nothing about and below that calls to join a community I never heard of." Fresh eyes tell powerful stories. Indeed, our website (and most others in our industry) rely on unspoken language to tell their story. Imagine if you didn't know what a DAC was, or a power amp, or, for that matter, what a preamp does (and let's not even go to regenerators). You'd be lost in a vast wilderness of unknowns. And yet those that are our core customers don't want to wade through newbie puff either. I think it's helpful to take a look at who we're talking to and what kind of demands we're placing on people interested in good sound reproduction but clueless what all this means. Is it better to spit out simple words the cognoscenti can gloss over in the hopes of reaching out or leave the message a mystery?
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Paul McGowan

Founder & CEO

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