There are many types of transformers, most using the alphabet to describe them: R-core, C-core, EI, and what's most in vogue, the toroid.
The label
toroid comes from its shape—a torus. Torus refers to a rotating circular form around a line that lies in the same plane but does not intersect it. Gobbledygook for a circular shape with a hole in the center.
Donuts and bagels are torus shaped.
Remember in
yesterday's post we found out that the classic brick shaped transformer, the EI, wrapped wire around a stack of metal sheets. The metal sheets (laminations) were shaped like a capital E. Add more sheets of metal cut in the form of a capital I and you make a square transformer.
Now, imagine those same sheets of metal wrapped in a different shape. Round. Circular and stacked, side by side, to form a donut. Wrap wire around the donut and you have...
...wait for it...
a toroidal transformer!

One of the greatest mysteries to most people, including me at one time, is how the hell does a machine wind wire around a donut? Seems kind of impossible, right? Here's a video I dug up on YouTube. It's of some unknown Chinese factory winding a transformer, the subtitles are in English and put a smile on my face. It's quite fascinating to watch. Click on the picture.

Why use a toroid over an EI? That's what we'll look at tomorrow.
Happy watching.