Old fears

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Old fears

I receive a lot of questions from people.

What's great about that is how much each question educates me. Take for example this one:

"Is it really the case that the ADC will destroy the genuine analog sound and do terrible things to it or is it just a matter of a principal, people insisting on keeping their whole chain analog just for the sake of being able to proudly state it is the case when in reality the introduction of digital components would have no apparent effect on the overall sound?"

What did I learn from this question? That the memory of the long ago problems with ADCs, the ones that were solved nearly a decade ago, remain with us to this day.

There's so much to unpack here, but let's start with the basic premise of the conversion process of analog to digital as destroyer. If that were true with today's technology then yours truly would never have started Octave Records—whose sole purpose is to properly capture (convert) analog to digital and share with the world how close to live technology can get us.

I could go on.

We often rely upon old fears to guide us even when our world has moved along and solved those original problems: resolution losses with volume controls, bright and hard digital.

Digital audio conversion is not terrible nor are the efforts at making it better only out of principle.

All that has really happened is the magnitude of difference has narrowed.

That's called progress.

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Paul McGowan

Founder & CEO

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