Not everything needs an explanation

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Not everything needs an explanation
In 1975, while riding a moped in Bermuda, a man was accidentally struck and killed by a taxi. One year later, this man’s bother was killed in the very same way. In fact, he was riding the very same moped. And to stretch the odds even further, he was struck by the very same taxi driven by the same driver – and even carrying the very same passenger! Upon hearing this incredible coincidence it's natural to want to assume there's something afoot: a conspiracy, fate, an untold reason why this happened or to assume it just didn't. In 1953, television reporter Irv Kupcinet was in London to cover the coronation of Elizabeth II. In one of the drawers in his room at the Savoy, he found some items that, by their identification, belonged to a man named Harry Hannin. Coincidentally, Harry Hannin – a basketball star with the famed Harlem Globetrotters – was a good friend of Kupcinet’s. Just two days later, and before he could tell Hannin of his lucky discovery, Kupcinet received a letter from Hannin. In the letter, Hannin told Kupcinet that while staying at the Hotel Meurice in Paris, he found in a drawer a tie – with Kupcinet’s name on it. Weird, right? There are tons of coincidence that take the breath away and make us search for an underlying explanation. We just can't seem to wrap our heads around something when the facts don't add up. Yet, the facts don't have to add up for it to be true. In the same way, we sometimes reject the findings of others when they can't offer us a reasonable explanation: what we hear on our stereos, what differences occur when slight changes are made to aspects of the system that shouldn't matter, yet they do. Just because you can't explain it doesn't mean it isn't true.
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Paul McGowan

Founder & CEO

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