The title of today's post might be a misspelling of a very famous collie or a word that should be expunged from audio's vocabulary.
Lossie media files save bandwidth by sacrificing musical content. As audiophiles, we should be up in arms or at least a little upset. :)
In the same way few of us are happy about the dumbing down of society, why is it in this day and age we are alright with lossie music?
The creators of MQA tried to make us believe it was not only ok to lose data but worse, it's better than lossless!
Spotify seems alright feeding us with lossie music. Fine for them because that's their business model, but why do audiophiles support them? Probably because Spotify's library has far more tracks to choose from than the lossless services.
In the end, whatever floats your boat works. Music's music and it'd be a shame to miss out on great tunes because we're worried over quality.
Still, it stresses me the word lossie remains alive and well in the context of music reproduction.