I am an engineer…

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I am an engineer…

…and I don't find this very convincing.

Well, of course you don't. How could you? You've never given it the time of day.

One of the classic traps we find ourselves in is rejecting that which does not fit the template of our chosen path. We cling to the tried and true because it is more comfortable.

New ideas have to fight to be accepted.

In the late 18th century, smallpox was killing millions and leaving survivors permanently scarred. That was all about to change when a young country doctor by the name of Edward Jenner made a historic observation. Working in rural Gloucestershire, he noticed that milkmaids who contracted the mild cowpox disease seemed immune to the deadly smallpox. In 1796, Jenner proved his theory by inoculating his gardener's son with cowpox pus. When exposed to smallpox, the boy remained healthy - but rather than celebrate, critics mocked Jenner with cartoons of people growing horns while medical experts dismissed his "country superstitions." The Royal Society rejected his work even as 400,000 Europeans died yearly from smallpox. Decades would pass before vaccination was accepted, ultimately leading to smallpox becoming the first disease humans eradicated.

We are slow to change. When we hear something new light our systems up, some of us jump in feet first while others reject it outright.

While words alone won't change a thing, perhaps it's helpful to at least keep an open mind to that which is new. Take it in, roll it around, and let it marinate for a while.

Might be worth your time.

Or your life.

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Paul McGowan

Founder & CEO

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