Eating crow

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I am a vegetarian and have been so for a quarter of a century. Eating crow is not on the short list of delectable menu items for people like me. Admittedly it was a tofu construct of the black bird I ate, but down it went.

I did not sit at the table lightly when asked about placing a vacuum tube in front of the new BHK Signature amplifier. But here's the thing, it is perhaps not the first plate of raven I have eaten and it probably won't be the last. Over the coming weeks, and with scattered frequency, I will do my best to explain the tough decision; but the simplest is the sound. Like being squeamish when asked to taste food I am convinced isn't good, it's the trying of things that's often most difficult. I never tried vacuum tubes in one of my designs because I did not want to like them. Liking them opened a can of worms I was never ready to deal with, but now I relish the challenge. And I feel I owe it to you to explain why.

I perhaps should have chosen instead to have eaten my hat or even my words, but crow seemed fitting given the magnitude of the decision.

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Paul McGowan

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