PS Audio founder and CEO, Paul McGowan, writes a daily blog: short, informative, fun, often controversial, but always interesting. Subjects range from personal stories, how to setup your system, news of the day, streaming, vinyl, tubes, transistors, loudspeakers, holographic imaging and more. Kind of like the Car Talk of audio. Not much is sacred, and there’s rarely a mention of our own products.

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Paul's Posts


Paul McGowan

In the world of high-end audio, we audiophiles are often seen as the keepers of a sacred flame - the pursuit of perfect sound reproduction. But there's more to our...

Logic or listening?

Paul McGowan

Further to John Hunter's thoughts on subwoofers in yesterday's post, do we use our logic or our ears to figure out how to integrate a sub (or any gear) into...

Sub placement

Paul McGowan

My good friend, and President of REL, John Hunter, perhaps knows more about subs, room placement, and stereo "stuff" than the next ten people on the planet combined. He sent...

Hearing deeper

Paul McGowan

One of the great joys for me is hearing deeper into the music. To clear away the acoustic haze and hear what I have not heard before. The more I listen to...

RIAA curve

Paul McGowan

To the newcomer, our HiFi systems might seem a bit overwhelming. There's lots to learn. Take vinyl's RIAA equalization for example. This EQ curve is found on every LP ever made (and...


Paul McGowan

Some 40 years ago we invested heavily in the building of a high end audio FM tuner. The results were called the PS Audio ST1 tuner. The product was based...