Wanna be famous?

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We're getting close naming the new magazine. Thanks for all the suggestions. We've narrowed the list to just a few and I'll be announcing the winner week after next. One of the articles I am most excited about is a weekly story about someone's system. A reader contributed article and photo expose of their best work. And we're hoping for a variety of interesting approaches: pristine accomplishments, simplest solutions, clever ideas, unusual settings, normal settings, great combinations. In short, any of us can participate. You don't need to hire a photographer or employ a ghostwriter. Well taken photos with a phone are just fine, and your best words can be edited into prose worthy of the magazine. We appreciate a story about the building of it: what makes you happiest, what combination of equipment worked best, (and why), what problems did you run into, describe the room, the challenges, the triumphs, accompanied by your description. Email your photos and story to me by replying to this newsletter, or by clicking here. Once we start publishing we'll select the best and you'll be famous–generously sharing your best work with our community of like minded people. There's plenty of weeks in the year for articles, (52 at last count), so don't be shy. We need lots.
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Paul McGowan

Founder & CEO

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