The showdown

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The showdown

In the many decades that I have known my dear friend, the late Arnie Nudell, founder of Infinity and Genesis Technologies, only once have I been part of a new product launch that Arnie found superior to his own choice in amplifiers. (In fact, it would be nearly 30 years later with Bascom H. King's circuit that we currently offer in the BHK Signature line of PS Audio amplifiers that would finally turn Arnie away from vacuum tube amplifiers).

But Dr. Bob (as we had grown fond of calling him) and I had high hopes this would be the miracle turning point in our quest to better every single power amplifier in the world (I have always shot for the moon).

We arrived at Arnie's hilltop haven above the twinkle of Hollywood's lights through the guard gate, and wound up the road to his estate (Infinity was a big deal back then, at one time the largest consumer speaker manufacturer in the world).

I was delighted to see the good Bascom King there along with Arnie and we lugged in the prototype of the PS Audio 200C. When at Arnie's house one did what Arnie wished and that would always involve alcohol and food before any serious listening could take place. And then it was de riguer to spend at least an hour or two getting used to the marvels of the Infinity IRSV loudspeakers and his all Audio Research system as fed by his vast collection of master tapes. (Difficult not to be overwhelmed by this experience and be humbled by the grandeur and enormity of it all).

When it finally came time to put in the 200C prototype both Bob and I were completely terrified—dry mouthed and shaking. This was a really big deal.

Within the first 30 seconds of playing a marvelous live piano recording Arnie commanded the music be stopped.

"This is all wrong. There's no life. The music is muted. Like a blanket is covering the speakers."


My mind reeled at about 100 mph despite the few glasses of Chateau D'Yquem we'd been treated to after dinner. Then, a lightbulb went off. 

"The inductor..." I looked right at Bob. "Let's pull it out."

Bascom scared up a couple of clip leads and within a moment I had shorted out the output inductor meant to protect this high speed amplifier from going into never never land.

The music started again and this time Arnie reached for the volume control rather than the stop button.

There was life! There was depth and space and music. We went back and forth more than a few times without that big grin ever leaving the face of our friend, Arnie. Was it as good as his Audio Research amps?

No, but they were now living in the same neighborhood. 

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Paul McGowan

Founder & CEO

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