Offering opinions

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Offering opinions

Audio shows are often difficult. When I wander the halls and go into the different rooms as a curious onlooker I'd like to remain anonymous in order to get an unbiased opinion of what I hear. That's often difficult because my mug's been seen by too many people through our YouTube channel.

The problem with this unwanted notoriety is the request for an opinion—something easy to offer when it's good, difficult to know what to say when it's not matching my personal tastes.

Presenters are always proud of their work and wouldn't spend the time or money to exhibit if they didn't believe they had something of value to offer. And, of course, they always do though it's impossible to please everyone.

I remember back several decades ago while at a show I ran across an interesting company who had built loudspeakers into table lamps. A great idea to hide the speakers in the days before in-walls. I found the idea novel and complimented the designer on his ingenuity. This lead to the uncomfortable situation of being asked what I thought of the sound. It was clear from the expression on his face he expected praise and I really didn't know what to say. The last thing I wanted to do was speak the truth. I can't remember my exact response but it was something qualifying like "I am surprised how good a lamp can sound posing as a speaker."

I should probably avoid any aspirations at politics.

It's tough to know when someone wants an actual constructive opinion or is looking instead for support for what they consider good.

I suppose it's something we all struggle with from time to time.

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Paul McGowan

Founder & CEO

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