
Show report

A CES 2022 Report, Part Two

Issue 155Don LindichShow Report

Part One of this show report appeared in Issue 154. It continues with more coverage from The Digital Experience!, an event that is hosted by media event company Pepcom on...

CES 2022 Show Report, Part One

Issue 154Show Report

Returning as a live show after being held as an all-virtual event in 2021, the 2022 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) took place from January 5th through 8th, 2022 in Las...

AES Show Fall 2021, Part Four

Issue 154Show Report

In the fourth quarter of 2021, the Audio Engineering Society (AES) held its annual fall show online. The show’s seminars and interviews were recorded for on-demand viewing, so once again...

AES Show Fall 2021 Highlights, Part Three

Issue 153Show Report

In the fourth quarter of 2021, the Audio Engineering Society (AES) held its annual fall show online in October, because of the pandemic still being in effect. The show seminars...

AES Show Fall 2021 Highlights, Part Two

Issue 152Show Report

As 2021 entered the fourth quarter, the Audio Engineering Society (AES) held its annual fall show online in October, because of the pandemic still being in effect. Thankfully, the show...

AES Show Fall 2021 Highlights, Part One

Issue 151Show Report

As 2021 entered the fourth quarter, the Audio Engineering Society (AES) held its annual fall show online in October, because of the pandemic still being in effect. Thankfully, the show...

Scenes From Capital Audiofest 2021, Part Two

Issue 151Show Report

In Part One (Issue 150) we featured write-ups on Capital Audiofest 2021 from Steve Kindig and Harris Fogel. We wrap up our coverage with more photos from the show taken...

Capital Audiofest 2021: Bouncing Back

Issue 150Show Report

After so many audio show cancelations during the past 20 months, it was with a slight sense of disbelief that I found myself waiting in line at the registration desk...

Scenes from Capital Audiofest 2021, Part One

Issue 150Show Report

To be honest, we weren’t sure we’d be able to make it to the Capital Audiofest (CAF) 2021. Not for lack of wanting to, but because of a cascade of...