Table of Contents – Issue 203
Tony Cordesman was a great friend to those of us at PS Audio and to so many in the industry, and we deeply mourn his passing on January 29 at the age of 84. Anthony H. Cordesman’s “day job” was as a national security analyst, but his avocation was reviewing high-end audio gear, which he did brilliantly over a long career. I will have much more to say in a tribute to him in the next issue.
In this issue: I enter the musical world of the Slambovian Circus of Dreams, a band unlike any other. Paul McGowan considers the unmeasurable aspects of high-end audio. I remember the late Jim Winey of Magnepan, makers of Magneplanar loudspeakers. Wayne Robins talks about the girl genius of boygenius. Rudy Radelic goes hunting for vampire power, the energy used by our electronics. I cover two new releases from Octave Records: Live at Nocturne II by jazz group the Tom Amend Trio, and the folk-and-soul-meets-bluegrass of Sturtz: Live at Roots Music Project. Harris Fogel wraps up his coverage of Capital Audiofest 2023. Roy Hall listens to Handel’s Messiah.
John Seetoo sits in on an immersive audio jazz recording session with trumpeter Franco Ambrosetti. I visit the new Billy Joel exhibit at the Long Island Music and Entertainment Hall of Fame. Ray Chelstowski talks with Terry Adams of NRBQ on the reissue of Terrible, an album that’s anything but. B. Jan Montana hangs out with the Top Dog. Howard Kneller sits in The Listening Chair with the VAC Statement 452iQ amplifier. We have a guest article from AAA Magazine and Ernst Müller on the symphonies of Jean Sibelius. PS Audio wins a 2023 Brutus Award – a good thing. As we wrap up the issue we’re all dolled up, listening to birds, and born to be wild.

Contributors to this issue:
Ray Chelstowski, Frank Doris, Harris Fogel, Roy Hall, Rich Isaacs, Howard Kneller, Paul McGowan, B. Jan Montana, Ernst Müller, Rudy Radelic, Wayne Robins, John Seetoo, Peter Xeni
Logo Design:
Susan Schwartz-Christian, from a concept by Bob D’Amico
Frank Doris
Paul McGowan
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– FD