Club 19
We are saddened by the loss of Loretta Lynn (90), one of the most iconic and groundbreaking country music artists of all time. Immortalized in the movie Coal Miner’s Daughter, Lynn worked her way from hardship to becoming the most awarded female country artist ever, with 24 number 1 singles and 11 number 1 albums. RIP to a true legend.
I recently became a member of Club 19. That, and a couple of other curveballs have meant that I haven’t been writing as much as usual lately. But I’ll be swinging for the fences again soon.
In this issue: John Seetoo continues his interview with the masterful mastering engineer Piper Payne. Harris Fogel wraps up his NAMM 2022 coverage. B. Jan Montana delves further into his journey. I cover Octave Records’ new speaker setup book and disc, The Audiophile’s Guide: The Loudspeaker, with an interview with PS Audio’s own Paul McGowan. Dan Schwartz remembers instrument maker Rick Turner. Ken Sander evaluates the Best of CES. Russ Welton strives for a good phantom center channel. Ken Kessler visits AudioJumble and sees evidence of a reel-to-reel revival. Rich Isaacs has another installment of Complete Recovery, unusual takes on cover songs.
J.I. Agnew digs into Lyrec record cutting lathes. Ted Shafran offers Part Two of his desert island classical discs series. Tom Methans considers rock and roll merchandising. The Mindful Melophile Don Kaplan has a scary tale about Dracula. Andrew Daly has some long-term perspective on Neil Young’s Ditch Trilogy. Rudy Radelic continues his 50th Anniversary series of A&M Records with a look at some jazz releases. Ray Chelstowski talks with Jim Kerr of Simple Minds. Larry Jaffee says the music of the 1980s is unfairly maligned. Anne E. Johnson covers the careers of psychedelic rock pioneers Buffalo Springfield and jazz guitar virtuoso Pat Metheny. The issue concludes with clean sound, a geometric progression, good prospecting, and unlikely beauty.

Staff Writers:
J.I. Agnew, Ray Chelstowski, Andrew Daly, Jay Jay French, Tom Gibbs, Roy Hall, Rich Isaacs, Anne E. Johnson, Don Kaplan, Ken Kessler, Don Lindich, Stuart Marvin, Tom Methans, B. Jan Montana, Rudy Radelic, Tim Riley, Wayne Robins, Alón Sagee, Ken Sander, John Seetoo, Dan Schwartz, Russ Welton, Adrian Wu
Contributing Editors:
Ivan Berger, Steven Bryan Bieler, Jack Flory, Harris Fogel, Steve Kindig, Ed Kwok, David Snyder, Bob Wood
“Cartoon Bob” D’Amico
James Whitworth, Peter Xeni
Parting Shots:
James Schrimpf, B. Jan Montana, Rich Isaacs (and others)
Audio Anthropology Photos:
Howard Kneller, Steve Rowell
Frank Doris
Paul McGowan
Advertising Sales:
No one. We are free from advertising and subscribing to Copper is free.
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– FD