In my previous article on vacuum tubes in Issue 103, I talked about linearity. One of our readers requested a more thorough explanation of how linearity relates to audio and music.
There are a few different common uses of the term “linearity” in relation to audio electronics. One refers to the frequency response of an audio circuit.
A “linear frequency response” refers to the ability of the circuit to produce an equal output level at all frequencies within a specified bandwidth, for an equal input level.
The audio range of frequencies is commonly thought of as starting at 20 Hz and ending at 20 kHz, which is the average range of frequencies that can be perceived as sound by a healthy human when presented as pure sinusoidal (sine wave) waveforms, heard through loudspeakers or headphones.
This is far from the whole story though, since live music consists of fundamental frequencies as low as 16 Hz (which can be produced by organ pipes) and harmonics extending up to or over 100 kHz (certain percussive instruments). Furthermore, sound in nature is never just pure sinusoidal waveforms, but complex waves consisting of various frequencies blended together.
While we cannot “hear” 16 Hz, we can perceive its presence or absence with our other senses. Also, the ability or inability of audio equipment to linearly reproduce 16 Hz will affect the phase response above 20 Hz in the range that we do hear!
The phase response can be thought of as the relative stage of development between the different regularly occurring oscillating phenomena, representing the frequency components of a complex sound. There are mathematical relationships (which can get rather complex) between the frequency and phase response of an electronic circuit. A key point to consider is that frequency response errors outside the 20 Hz – 20 kHz range can cause phase response errors within the 20 Hz-20 kHz range, at low and high frequencies alike.
Changing the relative phase between the different frequency components of a complex wave actually changes the wave shape, as mathematically described by the Fourier transform. But is this actually audible? Dr. Milind Kunchur of the University of South Carolina conducted several experiments, attempting to define the temporal resolution of the human auditory system. The groundbreaking results were published in peer-reviewed academic journals and even proposed a neurophysiological mechanism model that could explain the findings. Our hearing is much more sensitive to time domain and phase response errors than to frequency domain errors (frequency response). The temporal resolution found through Dr. Kunchur’s research is in the order of 4.7 µs, which would seem to imply that we should be able to hear frequencies much higher than 20 kHz. It is noteworthy that our temporal resolution does not appear to degrade as much with age, whereas our hearing becomes progressively less sensitive to high frequencies as we age.
We have essentially just stumbled upon a second potential use of the term “linearity.” This would be phase linearity.
Both frequency and phase response can easily be measured. The frequency response of an audio component or loudspeaker is often proudly displayed in product specification sheets – while the phase response is usually absent. Moreover, the frequency response specs are usually stated in terms of 20 Hz – 20 kHz +/-1 dB, which tells us absolutely nothing about the product’s actual sound.
This is not to say that it is not useful to measure the frequency response. On the contrary, I believe we would benefit from more thorough measurements, conducted over a much wider range, such as measuring both frequency and phase response from 10 Hz – 100 kHz, and presenting the data as (graphical) plots rather than as just numbers.
(While measuring the frequency and phase response of a high performance disk-cutting amplifier I designed some years ago Journal of the Audio Engineering Society>, even the 10 Hz – 100 kHz plots were just straight lines! A 20 Hz – 20 kHz plot would have been less informative or indicative of this amplifier’s performance.)
The benefit of an amplifier having such a wide bandwidth is that it can reproduce a very accurate 1 kHz square wave, which is a good measure of transient performance. What does this mean in terms of reproducing music? Phase response errors alter the shape of a square wave passing through the circuit, and in much the same way, the sound of fast transients in music such as percussive sounds and vocal consonants.
The effect of such errors is accumulative, which means that if, say, we have one circuit in a component and that circuit has phase response errors just at the threshold of audibility, we might not notice. But what if we have two such circuits in series, such as a preamplifier and a power amplifier that both have phase response errors? Or, if there were phase response errors in the equipment used in the recording studio, and then the recording is listened to on a home system that also has phase response issues? In such cases the total error would be well within the region of audibility.
So what defines the frequency and phase response of a circuit?
Let us take a triode tube circuit as an example. The tube alone cannot do much. In order to amplify audio, it needs to be in a basic circuit with a few additional components around it, plus a power supply. The triode tube’s internal control grid – the part that controls the flow of electrons from the cathode to the anode and modulates the musical signal – is biased at a particular operating point by defining the potential of the grid with respect to the cathode. (see my article ion Iissue 103 for an explanation of vacuum tube operation.)
The cathode is heated and the anode is at an elevated (electrical) potential, so current flows between anode and cathode. The current flow is controlled by the grid. A voltage develops across the load connected to the tube, due to the current flowing through it (Ohm’s Law: V = IR where V is voltage, I is current and R is resistance). As such, connecting a DC voltage to the biased grid would change its bias point and hence the current flow, also changing the voltage across the load. This is a basic DC amplifier. If we modulate the grid potential by connecting an AC signal to it, then the current through the tube and voltage across the load will vary according to the frequency of the AC signal to the grid. This is a typical audio amplifier. As we can see, the triode itself can amplify from 0 Hz (DC) upwards. But can it go on amplifying regardless of frequency?
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