PS Audio founder and CEO, Paul McGowan, writes a daily blog: short, informative, fun, often controversial, but always interesting. Subjects range from personal stories, how to setup your system, news of the day, streaming, vinyl, tubes, transistors, loudspeakers, holographic imaging and more. Kind of like the Car Talk of audio. Not much is sacred, and there’s rarely a mention of our own products.

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Paul's Posts

More bass

Paul McGowan

I rather think I shortchanged everyone yesterday in my post about bass. I guess my bias towards adding subwoofers outweighed anything else and I realize not everyone agrees with me...


Paul McGowan

In past posts I have written much about bass and much of what I have written involves the use of subwoofers. As many of you know I believe you need...

Going bigger

Paul McGowan

Continuing with our setup series you've now managed to get the loudspeakers to disappear on a simple vocal and trio piece as well you've hopefully managed to get decent center...

Becoming a magician

Paul McGowan

You've probably noticed that in this setup guide we're focusing primarily on imaging and have been ignoring other aspects such as tonal balance. That's ok and there's a good reason...

Getting depth

Paul McGowan

Yesterday's post got us connected and playing our system for the first time. Through the use of Stereophile's test disc we've determined that the channels are correct, the phasing is...

Dialing it in

Paul McGowan

In our last post we managed to get our loudspeakers roughed in, measured and connected and confirmed that everything is correct in our electronic setup from end to end. Excellent...