PS Audio founder and CEO, Paul McGowan, writes a daily blog: short, informative, fun, often controversial, but always interesting. Subjects range from personal stories, how to setup your system, news of the day, streaming, vinyl, tubes, transistors, loudspeakers, holographic imaging and more. Kind of like the Car Talk of audio. Not much is sacred, and there’s rarely a mention of our own products.

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Paul's Posts

Digital amplifiers?

Paul McGowan

Whenever a conversation comes around to Class D amplifiers, they will inevitably be referred to as digital power amplifiers; a common mistake. They are not digital power amplifiers. They are...

Gnats and whales

Paul McGowan

As we wind up the beta testing on the newest product launch, the PerfectWave PowerBase, I am really pleased to see the positive comments and great reviews. But I am...


Paul McGowan

I am reminded by several of our readers that one of the best means of evaluating equipment is fatigue. Yeah, I know that sounds ominous but I am guessing we've...

Music is so much more than sound

Paul McGowan

One of our readers posted the topic subject in the comments section yesterday and it really struck me as getting to the core of it : lest we lose sight...

That old analog sound

Paul McGowan

In response to my post on the sound of analogreader John Van Polen from the Netherlands wrote me the following: "It's a shame people tend to use the word "digital"...

The sound of analog

Paul McGowan

For those of you that followed along with our series on designing and building the PowerBase I thought I'd share with you a short behind the scenes video you might...