PS Audio founder and CEO, Paul McGowan, writes a daily blog: short, informative, fun, often controversial, but always interesting. Subjects range from personal stories, how to setup your system, news of the day, streaming, vinyl, tubes, transistors, loudspeakers, holographic imaging and more. Kind of like the Car Talk of audio. Not much is sacred, and there’s rarely a mention of our own products.

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Paul's Posts

Austin Healey 3000

Paul McGowan

I know this story of my first sale of a stereo product is taking a number of twists and turns and please forgive me, today's will be even a bigger...

A trip to the radio store

Paul McGowan

In yesterday's postI relayed the story of being banned from playing the kind of music I liked on the family stereo. Not to be deterred, I set out to build...

My first sale

Paul McGowan

I designed, built and sold my first stereo system when I was 17 years old, but at the time I had no intention of making that sale. No, the sale...

Hard to imagine

Paul McGowan

How the sound of clapping can be so hard for an amplifier to properly reproduce when music should be ultimate challenge. And equally hard to imagine how the noise between...

Round of applause

Paul McGowan

Dave Paananen, who directs our engineering, and I were in Music Room One auditioning a couple of changes to circuitry recently. We were trying to figure out which, of several...

Whole matters

Paul McGowan

And continuing our thought from yesterday's post, only this time in reverse, isn't it obvious that just because something has all the right stuff it doesn't necessarily qualify as great...