PS Audio founder and CEO, Paul McGowan, writes a daily blog: short, informative, fun, often controversial, but always interesting. Subjects range from personal stories, how to setup your system, news of the day, streaming, vinyl, tubes, transistors, loudspeakers, holographic imaging and more. Kind of like the Car Talk of audio. Not much is sacred, and there’s rarely a mention of our own products.

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Paul's Posts

Bow wow

Paul McGowan

Woofers. Bass drivers. Big cones. All used to produce about 70% of our music's content in terms of quantity. If you look at an amplitude spectrum of music you'll find...

Bashing amps

Paul McGowan

Yesterday's post I mentioned there are multiple types of amplifier topologies used for subwoofers, the majority of modern ones Class D amps. I also mentioned another popular topology called BASH....

Sub amps

Paul McGowan

We've covered much about the crossover workings of a subwoofer in these posts. We will cover more, such as phase, when we get to the setup portion of our efforts....


Paul McGowan

Let's get back to our basic subwoofer crossover today. The purpose of the built in crossover is to make sure the subwoofer doesn't play music higher than a specified frequency;...

Whoa, skippy!

Paul McGowan

My, my, there's a lot of opinions out there. Thank goodness for that! I suppose a few hornets have been riled up by my comment of not rolling off the...

Crossing the line

Paul McGowan

In our continuing series on subwoofers I've chosen to break the sub down into four primary sections: crossover, woofer, power amplifier and enclosure. Today let's start to review the crossover....