New DirectStream review

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Of course I am always pleased to read a new review of any of our products. And mostly they come from the usual suspects. But sometimes they come from unexpected places and this is the case with DirectStream's latest review. What's of particular interest to me about this review is how well it is written. Rarely have I read such a wonderfully written piece. I'd go so far as to label this writing actual literature. I am very surprised, although pleasantly so. The author is an obvious lover of music, Richard Murison, one of the owners of the software company Bit Perfect. To help with their development in DSD they purchased a DirectStream DAC. Little did I know they were going to publish a review, but I am pleased they did. The review is in 3-parts. You can read the first part then at the bottom of the page click on Newer Post to read the next. Here's the links you will need. Part One Part Two Part Three
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Paul McGowan

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