You Can’t Think of Everything

You Can’t Think of Everything

Written by Frank Doris

Sometimes even the most perceptive of us can have a blind spot or a complete brain freeze. I’ve been editing Copper for more than eight months and hadn’t realized that, unlike every other magazine, we didn’t have a masthead! My friend Gene Pitts, editor of The Audiophile Voice, pointed this out. Well, duh! So, let’s acknowledge all the terrifically talented people who make Copper possible:

Contributing Writers:
J.I. Agnew, Ivan Berger, Ray Chelstowski, Jay Jay French, Tom Gibbs, Roy Hall, Robert Heiblim, Rich Isaacs, Anne E. Johnson, Don Kaplan, Ken Kessler, Don Lindich, Tom Methans, B. Jan Montana, Rudy Radelic, Wayne Robins, Alón Sagee, Ken Sander, Larry Schenbeck, John Seetoo, Dan Schwartz, Bob Wood, WL Woodward

“Cartoon Bob” D’Amico

James Whitworth

Parting Shots:
James Schrimpf, B. Jan Montana (and others)

Frank Doris

I'd also like to thank all the writers and others who contributed to previous issues. You may even see some of them come back...

We’d like to welcome new contributor Ray Chelstowski. He is a contributing editor at record collector’s magazine Goldmine and writes the "Vinyl Finds" column, as well as feature stories and reviews. He is the former publisher of Rolling Stone and Entertainment Weekly and writes his own music blog, Disciples of Sound.

In this issue: Professor Larry Schenbeck considers Mozart’s La clemenza di Tito and Idomeneo. John Seetoo begins an in-depth interview with John Grado of phono cartridge and headphones maker Grado Labs. Dan Schwartz contemplates the ordinary beauty of rock band Elbow. Ken Sander remembers the future (or was is the past?) with progressive rock icons Nektar. Anne E. Johnson looks at female rocker extraordinaire Pat Benatar and early piano jazz master Jelly Roll Morton. J.I. Agnew asks: are 180-gram vinyl pressings really better?

Ray Chelstowski is on a mission for McIntosh. In “Confessions of a Setup Man Part Seven,” I keep my eye on the prize. You can’t always get what you want – or can you? Tom Gibbs covers new high resolution Rolling Stones re-releases. Don Kaplan listens to the earth’s heartbeat: Native American music. Robert Heiblim launches a series on how audio products are manufactured. Rich Isaacs continues his deep dive into Italian progressive rock. Copper’s AV squad wraps up the issue with some basic hi-fi-manship, a musical contribution to medical science and Mendocino driftwood.

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