Our intrepid photographer/correspondent Harris Fogel was on the scene at T.H.E. Show 2023. As always, he took many photos of people and gear, and we present them here. For additional coverage, please see B. Jan Montana's show report in a previous issue at this link.

T.H.E. Show ambassador Maritte Green and violinist/composer Abigail Shelton.

Yu-Wei and Chien-Ni of Jamie Audio showed off their newest speakers.

The Furutech DeMaga promises to demagnetize vinyl LPs, and it was in use at the show in the Sunny Components room.

Audio Society groups had their own hospitality suite!

The Brinkmann Audio Taurus turntable spun some soulful tunes in the Sunny Components room.

Sunil Merchant (Sunny Components) and Kevin Wolff (CH Precision) exhibiting a bit of Switzerland. Equipment included Peak Consult Sinfonia speakers, and CH Precision M 1.1 dual monaural amplifiers, L1 Line Stage, P1 phono stage, D 1.5 SACD player, C 1.2 DAC and streamer card, plus the Brinkmann Audio Taurus turntable, and AudioQuest cabling and power conditioning.

Reel-to-reel tape guru Greg Beron of United Home Audio with Oz Turan of High End by Oz, and Dave Weintraub, greeting guests for their late night listening sessions.

John Minor and Ryan Blauvelt (Owner) of the popular Orange County Record Show were there with a solid selection of vinyl.

The speakers designed by the late Siegfried Linkwitz proved that baffle-less dipole speakers could create stunning sound.

You can’t have a bonafide audio show without the fine folks of Awedyo Audio, including Richard Zhang and his colleague.

Tony Thompson, President of OC Autosource, with Brian and Maritte Green. Located next to the venue, they install high-end audio into classic cars, and opened their doors to attendees. Awaiting them was this lovely 1952 Buick Roadmaster.

Nicole and Lenny Mayeux of Mobile Fidelity, with Ed and Teresa Sudario from distributor The Audio Association.

Josh Meredith and Angela Cardas of Cardas Audio, and Daniel Cauley (T.H.E. Show) brought some style to the show, along with great-sounding cables. Despite strong competition, Josh was a winner of the Compelling Beard Award.

The Shelly's Stereo room featured Linn products.

Here's a look at the timeless Linn Sondek LP12 turntable.

Michael O’Neal of Beginner Audiophile, and Linda Ellis-Flint having a great time at the show.
The Audio Association room was stocked with wonderful gear including Evolution Acoustics loudspeakers and darTZeel electronics.

Bob Sattin of Bob’s Devices took the time to explain his theories and approaches to phono step-up transformers. He also had the coolest shirt in the show's Marketplace!

Ray Leung shows off the latest wares in the Von Gaylord Audio room.

Burbank, California lighting company Volt Lites added some eye-catching illumination to this exhibit.

Lonny Gould, Kimber Kable CFO, holds a Kimber Naked interconnect cable in the PBN Audio room.

Audio shows often feature live music, and this one was no exception. Pianist Daniel Vu, bassist Mike Selfridge, and Julia Sawtell wowed the crowd with a selection of jazz standards.

One beautiful assemblage of metal! The Gryphon Audio Apex amplifier was at the heart of the Gryphon room, which was so popular that reservations were needed.

The Gryphon room was beautifully presented, and it felt like the measurements for placing the components were done to the millimeter.

Allen Taylor and Larry Stimac of the Los Angeles and Orange County Audio Society were all smiles.
One of Bob’s Devices on view in the Marketplace. They specialize in moving coil step-up transformers like this SKY 20.

Jeff Wells, owner of audio components manufacturer Wells Audio, had a variety of wares to show in the Marketplace.

The MC Audiotech room featured their new TL-12 Loudspeaker, along with David Berning Audio, Steven McCormack, EMM DAC2, and EnKlein Audio components and accessories.

A lot of audio companies like to say their systems are transparent, but the speakers from DIY products company VK Music truly are!

Here's a close-up of the driver in the VK Music speaker.

Michael Leach and Daryl Sansevero (T.H.E. Ambassadors), Daniel Ross Thomas, and others enjoyed sampling Lismore single malt scotch, and COA Silver Tequila. Sansevero’s family business is Lismore and COA, so he made sure that everyone had an opportunity to try the company's wares.
Kit Perkins and Mark Hoover of vinyl specialists Audiophileusa.com in the Marketplace.

The family that makes music stays together. RSL Speakers was started by Howard Rogers, and now his son Joe and his wife Joey, along with grandson Benjamin are continuing the family tradition.

Mops Dayal (Quarter Note Acoustic), Scott Lylander (T.H.E. Show ambassador), Norman Varney (AV Room Service), J.R. Boisclair (analog accessories maker WallyTools), and an attendee enjoying themselves.

T.H.E. Show Ambassadors in the TAD room, enjoying a sip of fine Japanese whiskey while turning up the sound on those wonderful TAD speakers. Left to right, Scott Lylander, Maritte Green, Joe Parvey, Daryl Sansevero, Dave Malekpour, Daniel Barbour, Michael Leach, and Lilli Parvey in front.

T.H.E. Show Ambassador Maritte Green in the Women’s Lounge.

Greg Berron of United Home Audio with his UHA-Q reel-to-reel deck, in the High End by Oz room.

Header image: Dartzeel gear galore at The Audio Association and Evolution Acoustics room.
All images courtesy of Harris Fogel.