Half a Year, Half a Year, Half a Year Gone

Written by Bill Leebens

Welcome to Copper #88! The day this magazine goes live, July 1st, marks the halfway point in 2019. Having had a birthday recently, it certainly does seem that the months and years are zipping by. Back in the days when I still wrote checks, this would be about the time of year where I'd finally started writing the correct year in the date field of the check, halfway through the year. These days, without looking at my phone or calendar, I can rarely even tell you what month it is. It's a good thing I have deadlines to keep me alert. Dan Schwartz talks about TONE!; Richard Murison wonders if we're all just a bunch of navel-gazers; Jay Jay French plays Beatles tourist in Liverpool; Roy Hall has a rough go of it in Napa; Anne E. Johnson’s Off the Charts brings us lesser-known Deep Purple tracks, and Anne's Something Old/Something New features recent recordings of the lovely music of the unjustly unsung Fanny Mendelssohn; and I get up close and personal in The Audio Cynic, and in an atypical Vintage Whine, we look at the fate of vintage music---not vintage gear. Next issue---back to gear. B. Jan Montana concludes his look around THE Show, and I finally (!) wrap up my coverage of the Munich show. I was starting to think it'd run until the next Munich show. Our friend Woody Woodward will be back next issue with Part 3 of his piece on Django Reinhardt. Copper #88 wraps up with Charles Rodrigues as design critic, and a lovely Parting Shot from Maggie McFalls. ---and oh! Have a Happy 4th! Cheers, Leebs.
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